Durga Puja in K R Puram

Durga Puja in K R Puram

Who we are?

Since our start of Durga Puja in K R Puram, Aamantran has grown from the living room table where we first began. Founded as a cultural activity specifically for the society and social sectors, our team was built knowing that here, we need to do more with less Durga Puja in K R Puram. We are like-minded and passionate individuals eager to contribute to a better future. Durga Puja in K R Puram Our team is always discovering new ways to help our people make an even greater impact.


Active Members


Active Class


Active Response


Active Schools

We serve for peoples

Help other people shine. Helping others showcase their gifts and talents is an awesome way to serve someone. Lets celebrate Durga Puja in K R Puram this year.

Deliver a meal

When you make dinner, double that recipe and take it to someone who may need a helping hand. A busy mother, a sick friend, or an elderly neighbor would love a night free from worrying about what’s for dinner. We are also providing food at Durga Puja in K R Puram by Aamantran.


Take time to sit with your kids, a friend, your spouse, or a neighbor and just listen to them. Make a point to put your own agenda aside, and focus on what someone else has to say! .

Pay it forward

While in line at the grocery store, coffee shop, or a fast food place, pay for the person behind you, no strings attached. Your generosity could make someone’s day. .

They Need Your Help

One of the best ways to find opportunities to serve is ask God to give them to you.

God will definitely answer, so be ready to jump in whenever the Holy Spirit nudges you.

Join with Us

We are so grateful that we are under aamantran's wing. Positive thinking can actually improve our overall happiness. We help to Prepare our environment to grow. Join us to became a part of the society..

Durga Puja in K R Puram
Durga Puja in K R Puram